Sunday, February 06, 2005

My Child-Woman

My child woman
You are growing up too fast
too soon, too quick
slipping beyond my grasp

I try my best to understand you..
Your rebellious stance,
I try to unravel your hidden secrets
And you look askance.

Your quicksilver moods
Sulky expressions
Seems to defy all
conceivable explanations.

How can my own child behave so?
Are these growing pangs
Or is there more?

I grit my teeth
Clench my fists
Rein in my exasperation
And give you a hug and a kiss.

Suddenly you transform,
Turn around and give me a hug
You devil, you angel,
My precious child-woman.


Pincushion said...

Ahhh, motherhood...Theres nothing quite as beautiful or as challenging, is there now ??!! You've captured the feelings so touchingly. I am a mother too, a boy whos just turned 10, but as of now I haven't faced any rebellion, but come future !

Thank you for all the comments u left on my blog. Especially for sharing with me the story of your daughter. You are truly courageous and amazing ! You inspire me, truly. What you said made absolute sense to me. I have worked with mentally challenged children, and my heart bows down to their parents and parents like you, who have such immense courage ! Thank you sooo much. I feel humbled.

Pragya said...

And here's what I have to look forward to 6-7 years!!