Monday, August 26, 2024

The weekend that was 

It turned out to be a different kind of a weekend,unexpected yet therapeutic.

I sensed my resistance to getting out of my comfort zone and somehow stayed with the discomfort.I noticed how my resistance stems from anxiety of the new and of not knowing.

I joined a Mindfulness circle online and it took me to a space that I haven't visited in sometime. It was a quiet space mindfully held with no expectations and the space of silence in a group albeit online allowed for a shift within.

On Sunday my daughter and I attended a transformative writing workshop where the theme was ‘Writing from our Life’. I had instinctively signed up for this with no claims about being a writer. The session began with a beautiful grounding exercise and was followed by an exploratory journey.This was like allowing the body to speak through words to prompts so mindfully and gently led by Raju tai and Natasha Badhwar. 

I loved the prompts.

Writing without a pause & timed, allowed for no time to ponder over the words that spilled out on paper. Sharing with the group,what I had written which I originally assumed would be a cakewalk turned out to be different. 

I shared with a tremor in my voice not knowing when it would break.

I shared without knowing what I was reading.

I shared, forgetting that these were my words. The words didn’t matter. The sensations in my body spoke for itself. I felt so vulnerable yet liberated. I forgot the rest of the room existed except when I heard the sniffles and someone reaching out for a tissue. 

Writing is therapy. I forget.

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